
Hello, this is KANOA 🌺

Thank you for visiting ADAMAS!

ADAMAS introduces plant-based recipes and writes a blog✏️
This blog is for people who are worried that life is hard or who want to enjoy life in their own way❤️(※I’m not a doctor.)

I write articles to give you a perspective that makes it easier to live comfortably and with little effort. ✏️✨

Whenever I feel sad or bitter, I look back at the articles to cheer myself up, so I chose the title “Dear Myself” to mean that I write for myself.

About the blog📖✨

On this site, I write what I feel ✏️

But you know, Everyone feels differently.

Some you think “That’s right!” and some you think “I don’t like the way of thinking”.

What you think and feel is true for you.

The fact that you thought “not” in response to my words may be the opposite of your truth.

Which means The truth is different for each of us.

That’s how I hope this blog will be a tool for you to increase your own purity 💖

I hope you enjoy ADAMAS!