One plate meal,  Recipes,  Vegan,  Vegan,  Vegetarian,  Vegetarian

Potato Genovese made from fresh basil

Let’s make a superb Genovese spaghetti!

ECO Point
Don’t you leave the water running when you wash the dishes? Water is an important natural resource. Let’s use washtub. You can save 1/9 of the amount of water If you use dishwasher.

Ingredients (For 1 serving)

  • Spaghetti for 1 serving
  • 1/4 potato
  • 1 green beans

    [Genovese sauce]
  • Fresh basil 30g
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of pine nuts
  • 2 to 3 walnuts
  • Olive oil 100 ml
  • A pinch of salt
  • Pepper a little

How to make

  1. Lightly roast the walnuts and pine nuts until they get browns.
  2. Boil the potatoes until cooked and cut into 1 cm squares. Boil the green beans together.
  3. Add the basil leaves, roasted nuts, chopped garlic and olive oil to a blender. (It’s OK to use a mortar)
  4. Boil spaghetti and mix with genovese sauce.


  • If you add too much potatoes, it will be taste unpleasant.
  • If you divide the pine nuts into sauce and toppings, the scent of pine nuts will spread in your mouth.