Dear myself(Blog),  Return to yourself as you are♡,  Trick that it is you who is holding yourself back!,  Unconfident / Negative thinking,  Work worries/future concerns

Sometimes it’s crippling to stick with something! Go back to the starting point💛

Feel and trust your senses 💎✨ that’s all there is to it.

Not that there is anything wrong with persistence 💖
Sometimes persistence can be very powerful.

It is said that God is in the details, and when the attention is directed in the right direction(Your comfort), it can be as powerful as the amount of effort you put into it✨

When in doubt, go back to the starting point💖

When we are abnormally sticking something, we are often obsessed with methodology 😲

For example, in Japan, I often see advertisements that focus on the place of production.

However, what would the owner do if there was a crop failure in that production area?

For example, if the reason for being particular about the place of production is to serve delicious food to our customers, it may provide an opportunity to learn about more delicious places of production.

However, if the owner simply insists on the place of production, he or she may become dissatisfied and have no choice but to change the place of production or, in some cases, close the restaurant.

Sometimes, persistence can be a guidepost.

If you feel inconvenienced, check where your commitment is and the purpose of your commitment, you may find a solution from a different perspective 😉

When in doubt, go back to the starting point💖